Saturday 22 October 2011

Sloppy Joes + Facebook Page

Oh my  goodness these were so good! So good, in fact, that we made the entire recipe again the next day. Yup, it's true. Anyway, this was my latest post for One Green Planet, to view the entire drool-inducing recipe, click here.

Also, we've finally created a Hungry Birdie Facebook page! Check it out for photos, updates and more. Be sure to 'like' us if you want to show your appreciation!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. I'm excited to try this one Robin! Hope all is well with you, congrats on getting into law school!

  2. I discovered your Blog through OneGreenPlanet, I'm so glad I did! Love the simple recipes.

  3. This looks great! I'm intending on starting a facebook page for my blog when I hi 50,000 views - not too long now!

  4. These look awesome, Robin! I haven't had sloppy joes in forever but I'm intrigued by your recipe. Yum.

  5. 1 these looks delicious
    2 I'm so glad I just ran into your blog because your photography is beautiful and your recipes look so good!

  6. These look soooo good :) im not vegan but i try to eat vegan at least 2 days a week. I'm going to make them on friday, I'll let you know how i go :)

  7. Thank you, I'm glad you stopped by! Your blog is absolutely beautiful, stunning photos!

  8. Hey Robin. I eat vegetarian. However, I have been doing a lot of research recently and have become very interested in becoming a vegan. For the past few weeks I have been trying various new products and recipes. I have had several disappointing discoveries and a few good ones. These sloppy joes are amazing! I just made it for lunch and I think I will be making it again VERy often. Thanks so much!

  9. Johanna, I am SO happy to hear that! It will be an adjustment, but don't give up on going vegan just yet. Just keep experimenting with different recipes and products and you'll find your groove soon enough. Your blog is great by the way, you're so stylish! :)
